Jucer sam pricala s kirurgom koji me je ovdje trebao operirati (bas lipo sta mi se javija) pa sam ga pitala sto je 3-pieces Le Fort I, jer je kirurg iz ZG bio zbunjen oko toga. Objasnio mi je da se moji zubi doticu (samo) u tri tocke i "jednostavnim" pomicanjem gornje i donje vilice taj se probem nece rijesiti. S toga treba gornju vilicu puknuti na tri (ili cetiri) dijela i time osigurati da se svi zubi paralelno spajaju.
I tako dok ovo pisem sve pokusavam vizualno zamisliti i lose mi dolazi - uf, necu vise ni misliti o tome!
Jos SAMO dva tjedna...nervoza raste...a svi ovi detalji mi bas i ne pomazu...
2 komentara:
I also had the 3-piece Lefort. I don't think that many people get that done, so the reason for mine is probably the same as the reason for yours. For me, my teeth were on seperate levels. My front teeth were higher than my back teeth. So changing the way my jaw lined up would not have fixed my open bite. I don't think the 3 piece was much worse than the 1 piece. The only difficulty is that there is a higher chance of relapse because there were multiple breaks. Because of that, I have to wear the splint for a full 6 weeks and have to be really careful after that.
Don't be nervous!! Enjoy your last two weeks! You'll be fine!
Meredith, thanks so much for your support! yes, my surgeon explained to me that he was planning to break it in 3 (or 4) pieces since my jaws do not touch evenly - just like you.
I am not really what the spring actually is (I don't remember my ortho mentioning it).
And nervous, no.. not much - A LOT!
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